One of the questions we’re often asked is, “Pilates – should I do Floor or Equipment Classes?“. In floor classes you develop good spinal stabilisation techniques as you rely on your muscle control and you can’t cheat!
When starting Equipment classes too early you can use the equipment to maintain your spinal position rather than develop the muscle control yourself. This means that in other daily activities you may not be using your stabilising muscles optimally to protect your spine.
At Eastern Sports and Spinal care we have 3 levels of floor/mat classes. We start with Foundation Floor where we teach you how to stabilise your pelvis and shoulder girdle effectively using your deep muscles in all different positions.
When you achieve good control in neutral spine positions we then progress to adding spinal movement in the Mindful Movement class where we also start working on muscle endurance and flexibility.
The Control Floor class is the most advanced floor class where we challenge your control with more complex exercises and build on your strength endurance and flexibility.
The answer to : Pilates – should I do Floor or Equipment Classes?
We are stony advocates of developing good control before transitioning to Pilates Equipment Programs. However some conditions are more appropriately managed in an Equipment Class e.g. specific strengthening following a hip or knee replacement, specific upper body strengthening following neck or shoulder problems.
If people have difficulty getting up and down from the floor – we can give them an appropriate program in an equipment class.
All clients in our Equipment classes have individualised programs.
Ring now for an appointment!